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Guided Designs

Designing Original Pieces under the Guidance of an Art Director

Digital Backdrops

These are some backdrops I designed following through with the direction I received for image type, use of color, transparency, and concept design.


I created these icons when tasked to come up with visual representations of those themes. Though the design is my original work, I had to follow a specific art style.

Design Menus

These design menus are made up of components I put together for various online courses at the University of Texas. As you can see, there is a basic structure to follow when creating graphics like this. However, I did have wiggle room to come up with the color palettes and imagery.

InDesign Spread

This is a brief example of a magazine-like spread I put together through Adobe's InDesign. Though I did have a required number of images and pull quotes to include, the format, image placement, typography and color scheme were choices I got to make myself.


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